FAQs - Alerts
Can I turn off all alerts and view my Rakaah count after I pray?
Yes, you can turn off all your alerts by going to the rakaah.ai app on the phone, select the ’Settings’ button on the bottom toolbar, select ‘Alerts’ and then disable ‘Alerts’ setting up top by sliding the button left.
What are all the ways I can be alerted when I forget which Rakaah I am in?
You can be alerted via your watch through audio or haptic alerts and by visually checking your watch during your prayer. You can also view your Rakaah count on your phone during prayer by placing it beside you while you pray. You must have the rakaah.ai app open on your phone to get the visual alerts on your phone during prayers. To recap, here are all the alert options:
Watch Audio (Beeps)
Watch Haptic (Vibrate)
Watch Visual Count
Phone Visual Count
Alerts Off
Can I get audio alerts (beeps) of my Rakaah count while I pray?
Yes, the rakaah.ai app can provide audio alerts (beeps) for each Rakaah you pray. The alerts consist of 1 beep for the first Rakaah, 2 beeps for the second Rakaah, 3 beeps for the third Rakaah, and 4 beeps for the fourth Rakaah.
How do I enable audio alerts (beeps) for Rakaah count?
You can enable audio alerts by going to the rakaah.ai app on the phone, select the ’Settings’ button on the bottom toolbar, select ‘Alerts’ and then enable ‘Alerts’ setting up top by sliding the button right (green). Then select ‘Next’ and you can adjust the audio alerts (beep) volume with the volume slider right below the ‘Audio Alert’ setting. You can also adjust the audio alerts (beep) volume in your rakaah.ai app on your watch.
Can I get haptic alerts (vibrate) while I pray?
Yes, the rakaah.ai app can provide haptic alerts (vibrations) for each Rakaah you pray. The alerts consist of 1 vibration and beep for the first Rakaah, 2 vibrations and beeps for the second Rakaah, 3 vibrations and beeps for the third Rakaah, and 4 vibrations and beeps for the fourth Rakaah.
How do I enable haptic alerts (vibrate) for Rakaah count?
You can enable haptic alerts by going to the rakaah.ai app on the phone, select the ’Settings’ button on the bottom toolbar, select ‘Alerts’ and then enable ‘Alerts’ setting up top by sliding the button right (green). Then select ‘Haptic (Vibrate) Alerts’.
NOTE: For haptic (vibrate) alerts ONLY and no audio alerts (beep), please turn on ‘Silent Mode’ on your watch. To enable ‘Silent Mode’ go to Apple Watch App on your iPhone, select ‘Sounds & Haptics’, and enable ‘Silent Mode’ by sliding the button to your right (green).
FAQs - General
When should I start the rakaah.ai app?
Open the rakaah.ai app on your watch and tap the ‘Start’ button immediately before stating the intention to pray and Takbir.
Will the rakaah.ai app work if I pray super-fast?
The app needs ample time to calculate Rakaah count. If you recite your Surahs very fast, especially in your 3rd or 4th Rakaahs, the app might not count those Rakaahs.
Why does the app sometimes increase the Rakaah counter when I make Duah?
Due to your hand motions during Duah, the app might accidentally think you are starting a new Rakaah. If this occurs frequently, tap on the stop button (either in the rakaah.ai watch app or on the rakaah.ai phone app) immediately after finishing your prayers and before saying your Duah.
Why does the app incorrectly count my Rakaahs when I receive an incoming call during prayers?
The watch operating system stops all watch sensor data when a call is incoming therefore the app cannot count the Rakaahs properly.
When should I stop the rakaah.ai app?
Tap on the stop button (either in the rakaah.ai watch app or the Rakaah.ai phone app) immediately after finishing your prayers. Additionally, the app automatically stops upon recognition of Dua.
Will this app work for everyone?
This app will work for most individuals as along as they properly train the AI and are consistent in performing their prayer similar to how they trained the AI. If the app does not work for you, please make sure to tap on the ‘No’ confirmation button when stopping the prayer and the app asks for the correctness of the prayer count. This will enable the Support Team to investigate. If the app is consistently miscounting your Rakaahs, please re-train AI.
Can I edit a prayer count entry?
Yes. Select the list tab on the Summary view in the rakaah.ai phone app and select the specific entry to update. Afer editing entry, select the ‘Update Entry’ button to save your edits.
Can I manually add a prayer count entry?
Yes. Select the ‘+’ button on the toolbar at the bottom in the rakaah.ai phone app. Enter the date, time, and number of rakaah and select ‘Save’ button to save.
Does the app work if I pray seated (partially or fully) in a chair or on the ground?
The rakaah.ai app works for fully seated, partially seated, and on the ground praying. Select the appropriate prayer mode in the rakaah.ai iPhone app by going to the rakaah.ai app on the iPhone, select the ’Settings’ button on the bottom toolbar, select ‘Prayer Style & Mode’, and then select the prayer mode you desire. After selecting prayer mode, you must teach the AI to your prayer style by selecting ‘Train AI’ in the settings screen.
Will the app work properly if I use my watch hand to scratch my face or adjust my clothes?
Refrain from using your watch hand since the erratic movement of the watch hand will cause the app to count incorrectly. Additionally, the app will count incorrecty if you are consistently and for long periods looking at your watch face to monitor your Rakaah counts. Please note, a quick look at the watch face to verify Rakaah count will not interfere with the counting of Rakaahs.
FAQs - Train AI (Calibration)
Why do I need to ‘Train AI’?
The rakaah.ai app needs to learn how you pray so that it can count your Rakaah accurately.
Do I need to place the phone near me when I am training the AI?
The rakaah.ai phone app provides instructions and audio alerts during the calibration sequence to help the user calibrate properly.
What are the Qiyam, Sijdah, and Dua prayer positions?
The Qiyam position is arms across the chest or abdomen or along your sides depending on how you pray. The Sijdah position is prostrating on the ground or while seated in a chair. Dua position is seated on the ground or in a chair with hands lifted in front for making a wish.
Why do I have to wear my watch firmly?
Wearing your watch loosely on your wrist will cause the rakaah.ai app to incorrectly calculate your Rakaah due to the watch constantly shifting on your wrist and providing incorrect sensor data.
Why do I have to increase the phone audio volume when training the AI?
The rakaah.ai phone app provides instructions and audio alerts during the calibration sequence to help the user calibrate properly. The phone volume needs to be raised in order to hear the audio alerts properly.
Why do I have to hold each prayer position for 15 seconds during ‘Train AI’?
The rakaah.ai app learns how you pray by analyzing your watch sensor data for a period of time while you pray.
What if I mess up on a ‘Train AI’ step?
Please redo that step.